Friday, March 26, 2010

Safe and Sound

We made it home!!! Thanks for your prayers! :) Hope to share some stories later maybe???

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Not Our Plans

To man belongs the plans of the heart, but from the Lord comes the reply of the tongue . . . Proverbs.

So true. This trip has proven several examples of that, but it´s been good. Currently, we´re still in La Paz when we were planning on being on a plane ride home. That´s okay. I´ve had a great trip, but I´m ready to get home, however, we take it as it comes, don´t we? We´ll spend the night in L.A. tonight Lord willing, and then hopefully we´ll be home tomorrow and maybe Bri and I can update you more then. Currently, I¨m in a little Mexican coffee shop, and I got to let others on the computer. Just wanted to update . . . =)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Buckets and Blessings

Why hello! Okay I don´t have much time. I´m on a cafe computer in La Paz, Mexico, but I wanted to give you all a quick update. The team safely made it to La Paz, such a blessing. Thursday was a good day, (oh and we didn´t have to pour cement by hand, which was really good . . .REALLY GOOD!) until nighttime. A lot of us got sick, Briana and I included. Thankfully, we were able to take a pill and today, we all seem to be doing much better, just a little fatigued some of us. Please keep praying! ´

It´s beautiful here . . . will be so good to tell you more later. Have a lovely weekend, everyone! Tomorrow, we´ll get the experience of a Mexican church service, should be exciting. =) Talk to you later!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Hey Everybody! We made it to Hollywood town! Next stop La Paz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for following!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Love Mission

Within about eight hours, I'll probably be opening tired eyes, pulling up the suitcase to the top of the stairs, and starting the physical journey to La Paz, Mexico. Crazy. I remember just about four months ago where I was still wondering if I should be going. Life was chaos then, and it felt pretty overwhelming and not so exciting, especially since the last time I went out of the country wasn't as good of an experience as I thought it should have been. But between that span of time and now, things have changed, and I'm getting kind of excited. (Of course, I'm still trying to hold back that awestruck/freak out feeling when it actually sets in that I'm going far, far away to another country!!! Smile) I think there's several reasons for that.

One reason is that I think I'm looking at this differently than I was my last mission trip. Not that long ago, I was given the desire to start living life with a "love mission," making a purposeful attempt to really love people. Sometimes I forget about this mission. A lot of times I fail with the whole loving thing, and I revert back to my selfishness, my pride. But I really think Jesus is changing me, and I'm overwhelmed by that. My purpose in going to Mexico isn't simply to be overwhelmed by their poverty that I'm so grateful for my wealth, but to step into Mexico, to kneel down at their feet and just love them and love those around me and do this to show Jesus that I love Him, that I'm not satisfied with the level at which I love Him. I want to love deeper.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy my sister's and my blog! :) I'm not sure how often we're going to be able to update it, but we'll try. :) For those of you who don't know, our mission trip goals are to mix and pour cement (and mix by hand: I'm expecting big muscles y'all when I touch this soil again! har har har) for a church and to bring a gospel drama to migrant workers at a greenhouse. Would you pray? Pray that Jesus would change us and use us and love through us, and maybe give us a deeper understanding of His love. Pray that we would be courageous, that we (especially me) wouldn't hold back, that we'd seize the opportunities, be open and willing to follow Jesus ANYWHERE. And praise Him on our way.

Thanks for reading, guys and gals! We love you!

Excitement in high gear

Hey Guys! So we are really excited for tomorrow morning. . .the BIG day :D! We hope we can all sleep before 3am despite our excitement and anticipation! Our group consists of 11 youth and 6 adults who have been counting down for weeks. We are taking off tomorrow morning and staying for one week! We are all excited for what God is going to do and what we can do for Him. We would all appreciate your prayers for safety and that God will lead us to those who need Him. I hope you all can enjoy this experience with us!