Saturday, March 20, 2010

Buckets and Blessings

Why hello! Okay I don´t have much time. I´m on a cafe computer in La Paz, Mexico, but I wanted to give you all a quick update. The team safely made it to La Paz, such a blessing. Thursday was a good day, (oh and we didn´t have to pour cement by hand, which was really good . . .REALLY GOOD!) until nighttime. A lot of us got sick, Briana and I included. Thankfully, we were able to take a pill and today, we all seem to be doing much better, just a little fatigued some of us. Please keep praying! ´

It´s beautiful here . . . will be so good to tell you more later. Have a lovely weekend, everyone! Tomorrow, we´ll get the experience of a Mexican church service, should be exciting. =) Talk to you later!